WI Certified Food Manager

Food establishment operators are required to have a WI Certified Food Manager. This person is responsible for ensuring that food safety pr inciples are being followed. As of January 1, 2015, State of Wisconsin regulations state that an ANSI accredited Certified Professional Food Manager (CPFM) exam must be taken for both certification and renewal of a state-held license if the operation does not qualify as a Small Operator.

By taking the TAP course and passing a proctored ANSI Certified Professional Food Manager (CPFM) exam, both certification and renewal of a state-recertification examination must be taken; you will be eligible to apply for your Certified Food Manager License from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. The ANSI Certified Professional Food Manager (CPFM) exam is administered by a proctor. Online testing is available at Test Centers.

Small Operator Permit

If you currently own a valid Wisconsin CFPM License and are looking to proceed with a Small Operator Permit there are certain requirements you need to meet. These include; your license cannot be expired and you must employ five (5) or fewer total food handlers which includes yourself. A food handler means – any individual engaged in the preparation or processing of food. Examples include:

*Contact your county health department or local municipality for a county ordinance, which can be stricter than these minimum code requirements. Several counties in Wisconsin require a person in charge (PIC) with a CFM License on site every hour of food preparation. Click link for your local health department information here.